Selbsthilfegruppe Myelitis e.V.
Myelitis is a rare neurological disease of the central nervous system. This can include muscle weakness, paralysis, numbness and uncomfortable nervous sensitivity, pain from nerve damage, spastic paralysis, fatigue, depression, rectal and bladder dysfunction, and sexual disorders.
Myelitis e.V. is the German representation of the international Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Associatoin (SRNA).
The SRNA is a non-profit and international association that was founded in 1994 by family members and people with TM. Currently, the TMA has over 11,000 members from over 80 countries around the world.
Myelitis e.V., like TMA, sees itself as an organization that volunteers for children, adolescents and adults with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), neuromyelitis optica spectrum disease (NMO, Devic´s syndrome), optic neuritis and transverse myelitis.
On our website you will find helpful information about myelitis.
We have essential medical expert articles translated into German which are intended not only for you but also for your doctor.
You may also contact our members directly with your questions.
Myelitis e.V. has compiled the information on these Internet pages to the best of its knowledge, but does not recommend any of the medicines, treatments or products listed.
The information is intended to inform you and does not replace personal medical, psychological or legal advice. If you need help, you should seek individual attention from a professional and check any medications or treatments mentioned with your doctor.
All information on these Internet pages are provided without any guarantee for use in individual cases.
Unsere Partner
Myelitis e.V. ist Mitglied der ACHSE e.V. (Allianz Chronischer Seltener Erkrankungen). Ebenso sind wir mit einer Online-Community bei RareConnect registriert. Seit Februar 2018 ist Myelitis e.V. Mitglied bei EURORDIS.